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Powering business performance

through people

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While technology often dominates the Industry 4.0 agenda, it is people that make the biggest difference. Many things might be a technical possibility, but it is always a human choice to evaluate, select, install and purposefully use technology. Great people attract, adapt and accelerate the benefits of technology. Poor people resist and repel it.

Hence, let us be very aware of the benefits of paying full attention to the humanity of Industry 4.0 by embracing its human mirror – Humanity 4.0

Humanity 4.0 operates at 4 levels:

  • Industry level

  • Company level

  • Team level

  • Personal level

Learning to intentionally bring out our human best at each of the 4 levels is the bedrock of creating new levels of value.

Explore the 4 levels of Humanity 4.0 with our free online course. You will have access to a coursebook, the keynote speech that launched this Humanity 4.0 programme at the Ingenuity 2020 conference, and a workbook which will encourage you to explore your own opportunities at each of the 4 levels.  

Sign up free via our online learning platform and you will also be invited to join the course forum, where you can ask questions and benefit from sharing ideas with other course members.

We have created a free downloadable Humanity 4.0 e-book, based on the coursebook in the online course. You can download it below, then sign up to the online course to access your free workbook.

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