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Image by 🎄Merry Christmas 🎄 from Pixab
Gratitude Habit Former

When we feel gratitude, we acknowledge the good things in our lives. When we offer gratitude, we connect with others.


Research in positive psychology shows that gratitude has been strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. It helps us feel more positive emotions, makes experiences more joyful and nurtures stronger relationships.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay_thumb
'Catch people doing something right'
Ken Blanchard

Positive communication links with better performance. Research shows that the ratio of positive comments to negative comments in high-performance teams is almost six positive comments for every negative one.


Managers taking the time to intentionally look for reasons to praise and thank their team members can significantly boost their team's performance. 

Image by White77 from Pixabay_light.jpg

Unlike a typical gratitude journal which prompts you to record things you are thankful for, our Gratitude Habit Former encourages you to intentionally seek out positive actions in others. By looking for reasons to thank people, you'll notice a boost in your own mindset AND you’ll lift those you are thanking as well.


The Habit Former builds over four weeks, starting small to enable you to easily incorporate the actions into your daily life.


Share the Gratitude Habit Former with your team and watch the attitude of gratitude grow!

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay_thank

Make it your mission to catch people doing something right, then thank them for it.

It's that simple!


Download your free Gratitude Habit Former to begin

building your habit today.

You'll thank yourself for it.

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