Performance Management Systems
working with The Performance Learning Company
Accountability Excellence
Helping you successfully deliver on your personal, organisational and customer promises.
Accountability lies at the core of successful execution. Put simply, it is the act of taking full responsibility for your own commitments, actions and outcomes. This includes how you behave, how you communicate and how you perform. When you are accountable, you ensure you achieve your tasks to standard and on time. Being accountable for your outcomes doesn’t just mean you take ownership of any failings but, more importantly, you make the commitment to put things right.
In today’s ‘do more with less’ world, it is very easy to get lost in the daily busyness of business. Challenging workloads and seemingly endless streams of emails, meetings and distractions make it difficult to focus on critical tasks. In such an environment, it is easy to understand that many of us need more than personal willpower to achieve profound change in our lives. Building an accountability mindset is a significant challenge - one where most of us will benefit greatly from support.
This is where our Accountability Excellence programme makes a huge difference in helping you accelerate and succeed in your journey.
Our Accountability Excellence framework helps you clarify, categorise and prioritise your tasks, so you are clear and focused on what you should be doing to create most value. Recognising that you need to be energised or the work won’t get done, we help you manage your personal energy to successfully deliver your prioritised tasks.
As the programme progresses, we build your accountability muscles using our unique 6Cs of Accountability© coaching model and our sprint framework to enable you to plan, track and reflect upon your tasks. This structure allows you to create the habits and mindset to complete your key tasks on time and to standard, and enables you to deepen your learning and improve for future projects.
Accountability Excellence begins with a 2-week set-up, followed by a 30-day sprint. Your learning is taken forward into a 90-day sprint, by which time you will be well on the way to building your personal accountability habits. Further cycles of 90-day sprints and support can be added, either on a continuous or ad-hoc basis, but this is a personal decision that can be made once you are approaching the end of the initial programme. The timeframes are designed to build your confidence and habits through the programme, focusing initially on doing what you said you would do in the short-term, then looking ahead to plan and deliver in the medium-long term.
The programme is based online via Zoom video conferencing and email support. After a 1-hour set-up call, you can expect calls to last 10-30 minutes. Through the sprint phase, we recommended 2-3 calls per week initially, although each person’s requirements can differ; therefore, we might agree one longer call per week or daily 10-minute scrum calls. Although we follow a framework, Accountability Excellence is designed with the flexibility you need to deliver on your goals.
Helping you develop the habit of doing what you said you would do builds confidence within yourself, and credibility with others, that you will get things done. Our support and encouragement will help you cut through the fog of busyness and advance your ability to become accountable for your own success; helping you to deliver on your promises and achieve your goals.
Accountability Excellence is priced at £2,100 for the set-up and one 30-day sprint followed by one 90-day sprint. This equates to approximately £100 per week. If you wish to trial the process, the set-up and one 30-day sprint can be purchased for £600.